How to Reconcile Microsoft SharePoint On-Premises or Online with Matomo
1 min read
For the first time, at MS365 Virtual Marathon, I will talk to you about third-party analytics tools in addition to the SharePoint one
1 min read
If you choose to use Google as your analytics platform for SharePoint, this blog post can help you for the first steps to configure your instance of Tag Manager and Analytics.
5 min read
I volunteered to talk about third party analytics tools on SharePoint and also other small projects I'm working on; If you're interested, join us, it's free
1 min read
A solution to setup the Matomo Tag Manager script into your SharePoint site collections with classic experience
2 min read
A solution to setup the Matomo JavaScript tracking code into your SharePoint site collections with classic experience
2 min read
If Google Analytics is not the solution for your organization, Matomo Analytics can be the alternative for your SharePoint environment with SharePoint Framework extension.
5 min read
Implement Google Analytics to your Modern SharePoint sites from any platform
4 min read