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For this second time edition of CommunityDays 2024, I will have the pleasure to speak about the capabibilies of SharePoint Search.
1 min read
A monthly post about the Microsoft 365 collaboration tools to expose the new features and changes during the current month
3 min read
In my quest to continuously improve and automate the testing of SPFx components, the Testcafé solution has captured my attention - an alternative to Cypress
6 min read
A new Ghost theme based on the Fluent UI and SharePoint Online design for Microsoft experts or familiar people who want to share their experiences
2 min read
I have an opportunity to talk about an introduction on GitHub to manage your SharePoint solutions; If you're interested, join us, it's free
1 min read
I volunteered to talk about third party analytics tools on SharePoint and also other small projects I'm working on; If you're interested, join us, it's free
1 min read
Display peoples to a SharePoint page without edit the page for each change. A SPFx Web Part that allow you to display members of a SharePoint Group easily
2 min read
Since each discovery can be reused for other projects, sharing knowledge and experiences can also help other people in need and that they will in turn benefit from them. That's why I open my blog.
2 min read