Speaking at Microsoft 365 Users Group - June 2021 @Online
On the first Tuesday of each month, the community of the Microsoft 365 Users Group gathers to talk about the latest news around the Microsoft services and hands it over to someone who wishes to share a professional or personal experience around Microsoft 365.
For this meeting of June 2021, I will introduce you to a sample of a solution to implement another way to perform tests. You may know Jest and Enzyme, two famous frameworks that allow performing technical and logical tests against the code of your SPFx components. But, what is the behavior of your SPFx component once displayed on a SharePoint page?
Together we will see how to implement these kinds of tests with your SharePoint Framework components through a demo; see what are the benefits, the cons, the Framework alternatives, etc.
This presentation is based on my blog post that you can find here.
Don’t forget to register with the meetup event here.